Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado

You; Simplified

I am excited to talk to you today and dive into a chat about simplifying life and getting comfortable with our inner selves. In this whirlwind of a world, our inner selves need tending to like seeds you may be planting in your garden before summer begins. In this video, I will give you earth-based tools to tend to your emotions and body so that you can truly rise up into the highest vibration of you. I truly believe that we are here on this Earth right now for a strong purpose.  We need all of you balanced, simplified, and whole to stand tall in your power and strength. 

In this video you will learn how to:

✨Simplify and reconnect with yourself, especially in a chaotic and unpredictable world.

✨Develop good energetic hygiene that involves connecting with the earth element and the divine feminine presence within you.

✨Embrace and flow with your emotions which is crucial for your well-being.

✨Stand in your power and use your voice authentically which is so empowering and transformative.

Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado


Join us as we explore our roots, our joy, our spirit,
and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...

Come to Circle!

Our Healing Circle happens the 1st Monday of every month via ZOOM. Reserve your seat at Circle.
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