Womens Monthly Circle

Join the Monthly Healing Circle!

When we come together, guided messages and spiritual resources enhance to open your heart and bring magic to your daily life.

Each month, we will come together virtually to receive:

✨Powerful energy healing to release stress and outdated energy

✨Strong personal support through intuitive guidance

✨Energy updates for the month based on the new/full moon

✨Belief Healings to release what no longer serves you or your ancestral line

✨Strong community and connection to others in the circle

✨Receive a monthly song infused with Guided Energy Medicine™  to assist you in aligning your body and soul, calming your nervous system, nourishing your physical vessel, and recalibrating your energy.

✨Receive monthly practices and rituals exploring the quantum realm, inner realm, and ancestral realm to heal, commune with Spirit, and receive energetic upgrades, messages, and guidance.

✨A WhatsApp  Group where you can connect with other members, share insights, and support each other along the way.

When you reserve your seat at Circle, I’ll send you an invitation to join us on the first Monday evening of the month at 7 pm Mountain as we come together to deepen into sacred space for each other.

These monthly connections bring us together to build spiritual community, and to create new possibilities in your life and the world.

Your Investment...

$44/Month Automatic Billing
*Cancel Anytime
$420/Year Save 20%
Automatic Billing
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