Raise Your Vibration: Coincidence, Synchronicity And Signs

We all love when synchronicities happen. We get a call from that long lost friend we were just thinking about. We see signs of miracles and Spirit and it makes us feel better in our world.
What if synchronicities were always happening? What if magic was at the tip of our fingers and we are missing it?
I struggle and have struggled with anxiety. When I turn up the volume on anxiety and allow myself to feel fearful of the unknown or of things that are out of my control, I shut down the synchronicities and mostly, the flow and magic in my life.
If we want life to flow and to receive Divine guidance and messages, we must feel our emotions and the fears that arise that block our magic and our guidance.
The most important thing that has helped me rise above anxiety and emotions that threaten to block the magic and connection, is to raise my vibration. Now, that may sound woo woo, but it is super grounded and real.
Raising our vibration means that we have control over the flow! When we spend time in meditation, in quiet, and feeling our emotions, we open and expand our awareness and vibration to a higher consciousness. When this is practiced more frequently, then we receive more synchronicities. As we continue to commit to clearing out the emotions, we are recalibrating every cell of our bodies. Every particle of infinite creation within you now has the space to align for the magic, fulfillment of your greatest realizations, ascension, and to truly let yourself go beyond the limitations, the lack, separation, fear and doubt.
Synchronicities are amazing, but when they feel out of our control, it feels powerless. When we start to see that we have the power to choose every moment whether we are going to deny our power, our potential, and our ability to create our reality, life gets more magical. The power of synchronicities are in our hands when we choose to express love, truth, our hearts, our light, and our magic. Every moment is here for you for a reason. Though we may not like that, we are sovereign beings and powerful when we agree to be here for all of it. That realization raises our awareness and consciousness. It is called Present Moment Awareness. And when we stand in every moment, and feel it all, then the Divine responds with yes. And the messages flow.
Choosing love, in every moment, even through the hard times, allows us to live Heaven on Earth. Love allows the synchronicities to flow. Be the love, share the love and receive the love. This is magic. You are magical.

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