Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado

Unraveling the Mysteries✨ Attachments, Spirits, and Guides Explained✨

I am about to take off to go on a cruise to Mexico with my family! But I am popping into your inbox because I made a video this week that I feel is very important. Many of you have asked me about the differences between loved ones on the other side, spirit guides and attachments (interference frequencies)

Now, don’t panic.

These three terms may be confusing and even a bit scary.

Can our loved ones get stuck in between worlds?

Could we have energies that are attached to us?

How do I know if I have spirit guides and what do I do with them?

These are questions I get all the time and in this video, I will answer those questions and teach you how to connect, protect and support yourself and your energy.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Sending Love,

Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado


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