The Master Within✨
You have been feeling this ungrounded, unknown shift for a while now. A new YOU is coming into focus. You aren’t quite sure who she is yet, but you may be sensing that something inside of you is being birthed.
We can consciously participate in our new birth by equipping ourselves with the energetic and spiritual tools we need to take our journey.
While most of history requires us to sit at the feet of a master to open our energy channels, we are now able to step into our sovereignty and open the gates inside of us, through the master within.
You are invited to join me in the Healing Circle for a special Blessing Ceremony to celebrate and honor your fire and power. During the heat of summer, it is common to join in ceremony to gather together and celebrate and share our collective fire while we are in the hottest moments of summer.
In the spiritual community, this time is known as the Lion’s Gate Portal, an energetic time in the heat of summer when collectively we honor the fire within and co-create with Spirit to step into our power and speak our truth.
During our Blessing Ceremony, we will celebrate and activate your innate gifts and power to bring them out more fully and walk on this Earth from your soul purpose.
We will also honor our power through:
✨A special Cacao Ceremony
✨Write our own Protection Prayer
✨Receive Intuitive Guidance to bring out your gifts
✨Release old beliefs blocking your way with the Core Belief Ceremony
This will be a powerful circle. I have never done the Healing Circle this way before, as most of my ceremonies are done in person in my long-term groups!
When you join the Healing Circle, you can cancel your subscription at any time. For just $44 per month, you will receive:
✨Powerful energy healing to release stress and outdated energy
✨Strong personal support through intuitive guidance
✨Energy updates for the month based on the new/full moon
✨Belief Healings to release what no longer serves you or your ancestral line
✨Strong community and connection to others in the circle
✨Receive a monthly song infused with Guided Energy Medicine™ to assist you in aligning your body and soul, calming your nervous system, nourishing your physical vessel, and recalibrating your energy.
✨Receive monthly practices and rituals exploring the quantum realm, inner realm, and ancestral realm to heal, commune with Spirit, and receive energetic upgrades, messages, and guidance.
✨A WhatsApp Group where you can connect with other members, share insights, and support each other along the way.
Next Healing Circle is Monday August 5th 2024 at 7pm MTN https://arielahalevi.com/attend-monthly-circle/

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...