Your Nervous System is NOT Sexy
Isn’t it more exciting to heal with your ancestors, walk through portals to your past lives, talk to your deceased loved ones, and envision your perfect life?
Well, yes it is. But that IS nervous system awareness! And so many of us are still spiritual bypassing so we don’t have to feel into our bodies.
Because the body keeps the score and wants to sit down with you and let you know exactly how it’s feeling.
But sometimes the feeling is not pretty. Sometimes the nervous system isn’t sexy! It’s the ugly cry I did last Friday off and on all day. My poor husband just didn’t know what to do with me!
But that deep cry I had didn’t break me. And it also didn’t last into the weekend. It saved me from days and weeks of hiding. The deep cry allowed me to process exactly what my body was storing and feeling.
Feeling and talking with our bodies can be a fast-tracked way to connect to all the cool and fun quantum gifts we all desire and need.
What if your body is quantum and each organ has a spirit guide?
Stay tuned for more somatic-spiritual-quantum healing and enjoy this video to explore:
✨How the body is magical
✨My story of feeling so out of touch with my own body
✨Why somatic spiritual work is essential
✨Vibrating at a higher consciousness starts with the body.
Let me know your thoughts on your own Somatic Spiritual Healing!
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...