Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado

The Magic of Abracadabra & Healing with Our Loved Ones

Hey there dear friends,

As the autumn leaves fall, our senses turn inward, and our intuition becomes more powerful. It’s a time when the veil between worlds is thinner, making it perfect for some Abracadabra!

The word Abracadabra means speech, communication, and practical magic. Everyday magic can be discovered by simply communicating with our loved ones. You don’t need any special skills for it, just the willingness to ask and open up. Practicing Tikkun, or healing, with your loved ones is a powerful way to benefit from this season’s magic.

Here are some key insights to help you tune into your own magic and connect with your loved ones:

  • Joy: Bring out daily joy and acknowledge the spirit within everything.
  • As Above, So Below: Discover your inner medium and start opening up to the unseen realm.
  • Clear Channel: Learn how to become a clearer channel for divine communication.
  • Trust: It’s a crucial magic tool for receiving guidance from spirit and loved ones.

So let’s embrace the magic of Abracadabra and heal with our loved ones. Let your life flow with love and compassion, and bring heaven on earth.

Sending love,


Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado


Join us as we explore our roots, our joy, our spirit,
and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...

Come to Circle!

Our Healing Circle happens the 1st Monday of every month via ZOOM. Reserve your seat at Circle.
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.
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