Important Change in the Monthly Healing Circle
I hope this video finds you well and that you are riding the waves of the world with presence and strength.
It feels like so many changes are on board already for 20204! Many of you have expressed an interest in online support for these shifts and enhanced guidance.
That is why I am excited to announce the new Healing Circle Community! This circle will take the place of my free Healing Circle, on the first Monday of every month at 7 pm MTN on Zoom.
What you can expect in the new Healing Circle:
✨Group Energy Attunements and Healings to liberate your energy, tether you to Spirit, and anchor to Mother Earth.
✨Energy forecasts and Updates on the New/Full Moon energies of the month
✨Belief Healings to release and integrate what no longer serves you and create a deeper connection to Spirit.
✨Strong emphasis on Intuitive Guidance to create internal resilience and powerful shifts in your life.
You will also reap the benefits of a strong community. My goal and dream have been to build a strong online community that feels like we are sitting side by side.
This has been apparent for the last few years. And now it is time to strengthen that bond and step into a stronger support with the new format of our Healing Circle.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...