How to Plow Your Spiritual Field
Think of your soul as a beautiful redwood tree, firmly rooted with a divine scent. It’s a scent of being, rootedness, and oneness that permeates the mountains and trees around us. But, can we really connect to that energy while doing mundane tasks like taking out the trash or feeding the dog? The answer is yes, and here’s how.
Meet Aviv, my 12-year-old son. He’s been dancing since he was born, and when he dances, the scent of the divine emanates from him. But, that energy doesn’t come easy. He practices up to 26 hours a week and has to commit to his craft every day. He knows that if he doesn’t practice, his “vessel” gets clogged, and he isn’t ready for his competitions.
But, his commitment is what makes him a great dancer. He’s willing to show up and create a daily practice, making him a co-creator with the spirit. And boy, does it show!
In this video, I invite you to be like Aviv – not necessarily to dance, but to create a daily practice of introspection and clearing your mind so that the divine can dwell within you. We’ll explore how to root into yourself and your own wisdom, and learn how to open up daily to clean and clear your vessel. So, let’s start plowing our spiritual field and connect with the divine energy around us!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
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