Awaken the Divine Feminine Within and Finally Heal

If you haven’t noticed, April is rocky! There have been waves of intense light coming from the Earth and the Sun; with enhanced feelings of connection, transformation, and a knowing of who you really are. It is so authentic. Yet, April has been full of valleys. These valleys have dipped us down into the chasms of our shadows, pushing us to explore the depths of what needs to be alchemized in order to really live an authentic life.
The energy has also taught us that we cannot play small any longer. I celebrated my 50th birthday this past weekend, and one intention I am taking with me this year is I Am Seen.
This is the time to be you and to release the shadows handed down to you by family, well-intended teachers, society, and more. But, if you feel that you aren’t healing on all levels like you are “supposed” to be, it’s not your fault and it doesn’t mean you are broken. It means you are exceptional, and you are ready to break through, break free and break open to the true Powerful Source that you came here to be.
Your Spirit, your body, and your energy will not let you play small any longer, hide your truth, shut down or swallow your voice anymore. You did not come here to be small and live in the shadows.
This is your healing path.
You are meant to be here.
Life, Spirit, your Body, and Soul are calling you to go to the Source, and the root of your imbalances, to create safety and a sanctuary inside of you in order to heal and become the most integrated, joyful version of yourself.
You must be willing to choose to take responsibility for your own healing, for your precious body, heart, energy, and life to strengthen your being from your root. Because you are not fragile and you are not too much.
You are resilient.
But we can’t do this work alone…..
We need the Divine Mother; the Earth Mama that dwells deep inside of us, with her roots in the earth.
“It has been said that the only thing that grows in two directions at once is a tree: The roots grow downward, reaching into the past; the tree grows upward, with branches extending towards heaven.”
This quote describes beautifully the power of simultaneously caring for your roots and soil while tending to the flowers and buds of your tree. Healing is about reaching into your past as you grow and blossom towards your future. Tending to your soil helps you heal from your foundation, the origin, and is where you come from at your core. It’s the sum of all people: ancestors, generations, and your early years and past lives that have influenced you. The roots of your tree also represent your energy system and pathways. If your soil is not watered and left dry, your tree’s soil is full of stressors and it will affect your roots and your entire tree. The leaves of your tree reflect your future, and generations ahead of you. You can’t just spray the leaves and hope the problems will go away. True healing comes from caring for your leaves by going deep into your roots and soil and healing the base from which the tree grows. Tending to your origins – your roots, clears away those old energies that are preventing you from remembering that you are already whole, healed, and empowered just the way the Divine made you.
Getting to the origins of your roots ultimately awakens The Divine Feminine energy within you, which allows you to thrive and truly be seen in this world.
She is the feminine that exists in all living beings on earth, including the ocean, moon, and trees.
She is sometimes known as Yin energy, Shakti, Kali, or Gaia.
In her truest nature, She is nurturing, motherly energy, and affectionate. Beauty, sensuality, and attraction. Creativity and inspiration in their purest form. Peace and harmony. Abundance and the knowledge that the earth will always provide enough. Intuitive and fully open to receiving. Empowered within. Honored and respected. And she is divinely connected to mother earth.
The Divine Feminine within you is wild, free, and untamed. She ignores the unwritten rules and boundaries that society has constructed for her, rises above them, and paves her own way. She is unafraid to speak her truth, embrace her sexual nature, and show up fully and authentically. She trusts her intuition, allowing it to guide her. And she lives in the cyclic rhythm of the moon, the seasons, and the wheel. She understands the sacredness of life and trusts that all her needs will be met. She is the person you finally meet when your roots are healed.
The Divine Feminine has many sacred gifts to offer you in your life…
These are just some of the ways awakening her within you will benefit and enrich your experience here on earth:
* Increasing your self-love and worthiness
* A deep connection with your body and sensuality
* Being in tune with your rhythms, rest, and play
* Strengthened intuition and trust in yourself
* More creative energy
* Being fully open to receive
* Creating a deeper sense of community and partnership with others
* Present moment awareness
* The ability to relax and let go
* A feeling of wholeness and being complete
If any of these are speaking to you, and you want to call them into your life, it begins with awakening the Divine Feminine within you.
Because she is energy, you might be a little confused about how to do this. So here are some practical ways to awaken Her:
Prayer is a beautiful way to ignite the Divine Feminine energy within. Below is a sample prayer from my Shamanic teacher:
“Dear Creator, I pray that we have the necessary will, courage, determination, and grace to make changes in our lives in accordance to DIVINE WILL that will align us to OUR PATH and PURPOSE and help us to SHINE OUR LIGHT in this world.
I pray that Unconditional Love, Compassion, Peace, Harmony, and abundance fill and overflow in our lives and may we show up in this world with Presence and understanding.
I bow my head in great gratitude to all of my Divine team and for the sacred honor of this holy work. Thank you for trusting me as this vessel.” A’HO
Commit to self-love & self-acceptance
If we haven’t yet learned to fully love ourselves, we cannot show true love and compassion to those around us. Genuine compassion for all beings (including yourself) is one of the ways to awaken the Divine Feminine within you. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Take yourself on small dates that light you up. Create space every day for self-care. Call out the negative talk by writing it out or saying it out loud and ask Spirit to release it from your entire being.
Connect and heal your body for full embodiment and connection to the Divine Feminine
Women have been pushing down their true feelings for generations, hating themselves, scrutinizing the size of their bodies, and feeling discontent and envy. Create a healing practice by treating your body as a gift and home for your soul. You would not be on the Earth for not your body. It is a true gift.
Get outside and touch the Earth
Our earth and all of nature are the work and creation of the feminine. The trees, flowers, wind, rain, and the soil beneath our feet. The more time you spend in nature, the more connected you will feel to Her and her energy. Plus, it feels really good soaking up the fresh air, moving your body, and giving your eyes a break from your computer or phone screen.
Awakening to the Divine Feminine connects us to the Earth in a deeper way, heals our roots, and allows us to really be seen. I invite you to challenge yourself to rest more, trust more, and live more from your intuition. This is a potent time of light, illuminating our shadows, our ancestral wounds, and shining a light on the beauty that we truly are.

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