April Healing Circle Invitation
Holy moly Spring, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Portal energies! Now, you may not even understand that, but if you are feeling overwhelmed because life isn’t slowing down, and like there’s an intensity to your life that is new, then you are opening to a deeper part of your purpose and your soul. You also may be feeling like your relationships are shifting and even the relationship to yourself and your body is changed.
The new community Healing Circle on April 1, 7pm MTN on zoom is an excellent way to receive support, intuitive guidance and teachings for how to root down into your body and ancestral wisdom so you can rise up into higher energies and Spirit guidance.
Sometimes when we feel like life is shifting, we need to double down on self care. In this video, I talk about a couple of those practices and offer you some key components to living in alignment.
Happy Spring,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...