A Spiritual Woman’s Connection to Food
Most often you won’t hear me talk about food. But lately it has been coming up in almost every part of my healing practice. Why? Because women’s relationship to food is spiritual.
Food can be love, nourishment, joy and a celebration. Food can also be mistaken for hiding, comfort, extra protection, and actually blocking us from our spiritual growth.
If you think food isn’t spiritual, take a listen to my most recent video on how our relationship to food is essential to our connection to our bodies, but also to Spirit and receiving guidance.
In this video, you will learn:
- Why empaths often pad themselves up as protection.
- How to stop using food and start connecting to Spirit.
- The sneaky relationship we have with food is often a stand in for our relationship to our younger selves.
- How to really connect to the love you didn’t get and are searching for.
- Why it’s time to let go of food as comfort and protection and why it’s time to honor your sensitivities.

Join us as we explore our roots, our joy, our spirit,
and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
Our Healing Circle happens the 1st Monday of every month via ZOOM. Reserve your seat at Circle.
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.