Follow your Purpose: Nature Quest - Half Day Retreat
Discover Your Soul’s Path
We all have dreams for our life and our future — desires within us that feel important and necessary to living a life of purpose. Are you ready to go deep and discover your unique, soulful, and meaningful place in the world? Clarity, trust, self-love and self-worth, and integration of all of who we are has the ability to transform our world.
Monika and Ariela are excited to offer a half day retreat in the foothills of Colorado to discover your unique medicine in this world!
In this retreat, you will:
Develop your abilities to hear your inner guidance
Discover your unique purpose for being alive at this time.
Uncover how to be of greatest service to the world
Follow your Soul’s calling to contribute and serve in your own way, act with courage and love — and realize you are never alone.
It’s time to reclaim your unique vision.
This vision is your true power, your essence, and the source of your prosperity.
Reclaim and integrate all of you to walk on this Earth truly whole and sourced. Connect to the Source Energy within your cells and your gifts come naturally.
Release and reprogram outdated patterns and beliefs.
It’s time to reclaim your unique vision.
Many of us feel far away from our true vision which causes shape-shifting the nervous system into what we think others want from us. The challenges we face in other areas — health, work, relationships, prosperity — are often symptoms of a disconnection from this divine pattern in you. That’s why many attempts to solve those other problems don’t work — because they are symptoms, not the cause.
When you rediscover your vision and begin to align with the forces of nature, you activate the power within you and begin to dissolve many of your problems. This is when miracles can happen.
Are you ready for the miracles?
Here’s how we will explore our medicine together: Sound Healing to raise your frequency to higher consciousness and to restore harmony and facilitate the body’s natural healing processes.
Cacao Ceremony to deepen into your heart space and receive the special blessings of this sacred plant.
Vision Quest near the river to sit in quiet, journal and receive the still small voice within Ancestral Healing.
Receive guidance from your elder ancestors and work with acceptance of your lineage.
Vision & Ceremony
Ceremonies honor the Spirit of ourselves within and engage with the Spirits of nature to help promote harmony and balance.
Integration at the Soul Level.
Coming into your own personal power.
Connection with Nature.
Energy healing practices to raise your vibration and Consciousness within our bodies and life.
Sacred Healing.
By spending time in natural wonders, such as rivers, lakes, mountains and caves, we reawaken our Spirit and invigorate our energy and sacred wisdom.
What to Bring with You:
-Offering to Give to the Land
-Yoga Mat
-Mug for Cacao
-Blanket & Pillow
-Journal & Something to Write with
-Wear Sunscreen & Comfortable Clothing
Cancellation Policy
There will be no refunds after ticket purchase. If the event is cancelled due to weather, the even will be reschedule for another date.

A little bit about Monika
I am a compassionate, kind, and candid intuitive-medium, certified expert sound healer and mindfulness mentor. I work with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Elemental Chimes, the cosmos, tarot, and meditation. I am trauma-informed educated and value integrity and authenticity in the work that I do. The safe space that is created in my work, has allowed my clients to find their inner peace and harmony. Reducing the stress, anxiety and inflammation in the mind, body and soul. Opening up to receive a renewed and revived energetic alignment to enjoy life in the present moment. Calling in their inner power to not be overtaken by emotional, physical and mental challenges.
A little bit about Ariela
Ariela HaLevi accompanies women as we bring the spiritual and emotional parts of ourselves home in our daily lives. In this return to wholeness, as we explore the ways in which our past, our emotions, our inherited beliefs, and our divine wisdom influence us all. Ariela draws upon shamanism, yoga, Kabbalah, and Reiki, which she studied after attaining her master’s degree in Social Work. She hosts monthly healing circles, women’s programs and offers private guidance for women who are drawn to this work. Learn more at www.arielahalevi.com.

Follow your Purpose: Nature Quest Half Day Retreat
Date: July 23rd 2023 Time: 11am-3pm Price: 333$ Event will be held at O'Fallon Park 25663 Lines Ln Kittredge, CO 80457

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.