Why Ancestral Healing Is Not Therapy, and Why We Need Their Help Today
The eclipse season is upon us and with it comes intense energies of fire and rebirth. As we continue to live in strong energies, now more than ever is the time to engage and communicate with our ancestors.
In this video, Ariela will explore the differences between our Ancient Ancestors and our most recent deceased loved ones. She will explore the abundant support we can receive when we ask our wise and well ancestors for guidance in clearing limiting patterns and beliefs, that are keeping us surviving not thriving.
Our ancestors still exist and care about us after they have crossed over to the other side. They love us and want us to be happy, healthy, and abundant. Ancestors love connecting to their people and helping them clear old energies that are ready to be released to Spirit. The only block to getting their love and support is the belief that they aren’t available to you.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
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