Who is Living in Your Energy?

Happy Early Winter Solstice Blessings!
I feel a little like a bear as I head into some hibernation time for the last two weeks of December. And yet….
Four kids at home all at once may not be hibernating, and can definitely be a bit fun but also chaotic! Still, my nervous system is excited nonetheless.
The energy of Winter Solstice is upon us, a time of resting, a time when the earth lies dormant, quiet. It is a time for sacred resting of the nervous system and reflection on our year before we awaken to more light.
I personally have come to love this time of year. It is a time of deep ritual and fine tuning those things inside of me that need a little more self care and attention. It’s a time of going within, even when our world stirs us up buying last minute gifts and gathering for festive holidays.
Perhaps this time of darkness and silence is also about creating space and boundaries around our nervous and energy systems so they too can receive deeper rest and restoration.
So, I ask you, who is living in your energy and nervous system?
Who is taking up space that needs to be released?
As I explore midlife and all of its turns and twists, I have learned that the quiet I yearn for deep inside, means that my boundaries need to be energetically and emotionally stronger in order for me to listen to the messages Spirit is trying to send me. We often feel we are not hearing or feeling Spirit’s messages, but how often do we create Sacred Space to listen, feel, and open our hearts and hands to Spirit?
This winter is an invitation to open your heart to what needs to move up and out, even next to your being, but not inside of it. When I realized how many people were living in my nervous system, it was no wonder I couldn’t find my own soul speaking to me!
The energy of winter is to go within. Take that time back from the hustle of holidays and consciously reflect on your soul’s yearnings. Let the energies of new life and inspiration build slowly within you, and by spring you’ll be bursting with new energy and ideas. This is the nature of things…the cycles and rhythms of personal growth and change.
As you consistently nurture yourself with compassion, allowing for rest and reflection, great joy will be your harvest in 2023.
You may want to take time to honor and acknowledge the endings and new beginnings in your life in a ceremony or personal ritual that both honors your past and clears space to make room for what you wish for the coming year.
Speaking of new beginnings, Colorado friends, have you heard about my new Women’s Sacred Circle that begins in early January, in person? Check it out here: https://arielahalevi.com/centered/
As we head into the New Year, don’t forget to join the complimentary Healing Circle on January 5, at 6 pm MTN on Zoom, to really start thinking about and exploring the vision of your new year. Sign up here: https://arielahalevi.com/attend-monthly-circle/
Lastly, look for more women’s circle offerings coming this year, along with my new podcast!
My prayer for all of us is to explore, nurture, and nourish our insides, our energy, and our nervous systems so that we may emerge in the light, energized, creative, and full!
Happy Hibernation!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.