Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado

When the World Feels Chaotic

I remember when I was 13 years old, my parents sat me down and told me they were getting a divorce. It felt like my world cracked open and the aftershocks affected me for years down the road.

I always had a vision of what family looked like, and changing that view felt scary and painful.

About a decade later, still fumbling around, searching for some outer security, I fell into the arms of the Divine. I stumbled upon her, but she held me tight and has never let go.

In this video, I want to explore what to do when it feels like the world is in chaos and how to find security and freedom from within. When we have no where to turn, the only option left is to surrender to the arms of the Divine that will teach you about the layers of freedom within.

We will start exploring the energy of Earth that lives inside of you. You will learn the mystical map within you that will lead you to the freedom, peace and love you have always desired. We can no longer search outside ourselves for that freedom and love. Of course, it is there, but the anchoring to your own Earth energy will sustain you through these rocky times we are living in.

Sending Love,


Ariela HaLevi - Denver Colorado


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and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...

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