Vitamin P

Are You Taking Vitamin P?
These are potent times, ripe for revealing your soul longings, your greatest healings, and great awakenings.
But, honestly, a lot of us want to curl up with a good book, fall asleep in the sun, and surrender to the exhaustion of the last rocky two years (or maybe eat a lot of ice cream).
Our bodies, psyches, and spirits have processed a lot. Most of us are living in a post COVID world with a lot of PTSD that hasn’t even been revealed itself yet. Many of us are living in the void.
The void-like feeling happens after a powerful transformation and can leave us feeling unguided and scared. Many of you are expressing how alone life feels, and how lonely your lives have become.
The void, coupled with loneliness can be scary and isolating. But, it can also be seen as a powerful time for present moment awareness and deep transformation. So while you sit in your backyard, reading in the sun, feeling the void, listen to the silence of your soul.
Perhaps the nothingness we are feeling is a form of surrender. What happens when we stop running, fighting, and pushing? We surrender, exhausted, with no fight left within us. When you become consciously aware of how this silence feels, you will start seeing things differently.
Welcoming the void, diving into it, and opening to it, allows you to be pulled into the flow of the Divine Feminine. The flow we are opening to will take you exactly where you need to be and lead you to what you need to know to take the next step on your journey. Being in the present moment and using the void to explore new ways of being, living and relating, opens the door for your gifts, and answers to your deepest longings.
We are not meant to live life in isolation. Many of us are ready to get out into the world again, but the old us is no longer leading the charge. Life feels foreign, and we are a little like newborns, seeing the world for the first time. The old coping mechanisms no longer work and the way we gathered feels odd.
One thing I have learned in my healing practice and from helping women for many years is that the void is a fertile place. The phoenix rises from the ashes inside of this void and she rises from our womb center (whether you have a womb or not).
If you feel lonely, scared and a little lost, welcome to the void. Feel deep into the fertile, creative, abundant womb space and find your pleasure. The number one vitamin we can all use right now is Vitamin P.
Vitamin Pleasure is found inside the womb, this vast, fertile, open, dark space ripe for connecting to what fills you up. Instead of searching for the right person, the tribe, the connectedness outside of us, start within yourself. The womb is a juicy place ready to have fun, to connect and to create.
Once you have found your connection to pleasure, pray and ask yourself what are your deepest desires.
What are the deepest desires that are stirring in your womb center?
What have you been denying yourself?
Where in your life do you need to expand to more love?
This is where connection happens.
We are not meant to live alone.
If you feel alone and isolated, now is the time to reach out and reach within.
If you need support, please feel free to attend our monthly Healing Circles. We are here for you. You can also set up a complimentary healing session with me to explore your deepest longings:
It’s time to honor the pleasures that we came here to experience!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.