Uncover Your True Purpose

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” -Marianne Williamson
What if there was a lightning-quick path to becoming who you deeply, truly, wildly, powerfully are? What if that path also caused you to feel deeply fulfilled?
If there was such a path, would you take it?
The answer seems so simple. Of course, you would take it! But what if by taking this path, you had to go deeper into your past, your history, and your deepest longings in order to access all that power, and live your soul purpose?
For some of us, we would still go for it.
For others, the question begs a deeper dive into visibility.
What if you lived your true power and stood at the center of your life and just completely owned your full vision of yourself? The truth is, you may feel scared. I know I did, and still do sometimes.
See, we say we want to know our soul purpose, and we desire to live it and feel completely fulfilled.
The challenge is that along with knowing, there is action required. And that action is reclamation, remembering, returning, and reunion.
This quote by Marianne Williamson really does a great job of opening the door to the visibility that we must access and work with in order to step in our all-ness, manifest our heart’s deepest desires, and lead the life we always dreamed of.
The next steps require a commitment to remembering and reclaiming the stagnated pieces of ourselves in order to feel whole and powerful. We must reunite the lost, sad, scared, and destructive pieces of ourselves so that when we finally hear the call of our soul purpose, all of who we are can answer, Yes!
Below are two videos with insights and information on how to reclaim and reunite with the lost pieces of ourselves in order to live life out loud.
Don’t forget to listen to the meditation to experience and uncover the true nature of your soul and feel your Divine power.

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