This Is Your Sign

I love signs. No, not billboard signs, although sometimes I love those too. Last week I was driving with my husband. Silently, I asked my guides to send me signs that my mom, who is on the other side, was with Max, my cat that just passed to the other side three weeks ago.
Immediately, I saw a sign on the road that said MAX, followed by another sign that said Linda, my mom’s name. Shortly after that, I changed the radio station and Barry Manilow came on singing “I Made It Through the Rain,” a song my mom used to play as we drove to Santa Barbara every summer. While my husband so politely rolls his eyes, because all of this woo woo stuff is sometimes out of his lane, I was leaping with joy. I asked, and it was given.
How do we know when these signs are for us and not just generic signs along the road? Well, I would ask:
Does it make you feel good to believe and trust that these are signs? Does it give you goosebumps, feel a deep knowing that this is true, or even a glimpse of hope that this world is not just simply what you see is what you get?
For me, living in this world without my connection to Spirit and my loved ones makes me want to take to my bed. I have always loved following the Divine breadcrumbs along my path because it makes me feel connected to something more than doing the dishes, work, carpool, and laundry.
Infusing intuition, purpose, meaning, signs, connection, and sacredness into the mundane is the key to unlocking the cage we sometimes put ourselves in. It can free us from the mundane, from loneliness, and open up mystery and magic, a co-creative relationship with something greater than ourselves.
You may at this point wonder why you sometimes feel so guided and connected to Spirit, and why sometimes you feel so lost. Some days I miss everything because I am in my head, distracted, and full of emotions. Then the very next day, along the same path,
I see huge miracles that I had completely missed.
The key is to practice present moment awareness, prayer, and opening ourselves to connection.
Here is one prayer that I say daily. It is very simple. “Please, Spirit, guide me.”
As you walk along your way, allow your awareness to expand, invite the natural world to be the vehicle for Divine guidance.
Another prayer I say daily is, “Please, Spirit, help me to be of service to You.”
This prayer asks Spirit to help us to release the I, the ego, the self-absorbed ways we can spin, stuck in our own emotions and our own issues. This prayer releases that spin and helps us to open our eyes to the gifts, signs, and messages from Spirit through other people.
When we are in service to others, our focus shifts outside of ourselves. My clients often tell me how good it feels to help others and receive Divine guidance through being of service to them.
Ultimately, signs are everywhere, and we are all searching for answers: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? We all struggle with the same ego that stands in the way of our connection with Spirit. Being present allows us to glean light and messages along our way, which gives us connection, hope, and trust that we are not alone.
We are all looking for answers, and life is always ebbing and flowing. We want to feel secure, yet there isn’t any one permanent form in our communication and signs with Spirit. Divine dialogue is always changing as emerging awareness grows within us. Any conversation and messages are impacted by our willingness to trust, connect, and become more aware of our present moment.
I invite you to begin to explore Divine guidance and signs as the start of a deeper co-creative relationship with Spirit. Her love and messages are everywhere.
I would love to hear how you receive signs and messages from Spirit. Let me know your favorite stories of connection!
Sending Love,

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