The Wisdom of Integration

Do you ever feel a longing to come Home to yourself, within a community of like minded souls?
In my last blog, I described this longing I have always had to find my Home within, yet surrounded by like-minded souls that desire a similar homecoming. This longing comes from many past lives and remembering ancestral ways of meeting in sacred circles that nourished and nurtured my ancestors and my own being.
If you are like me, perhaps you have opened to your spiritual gifts, yet feel alone in circles you have been a part of in the past. Maybe you know you have a strong intuition, but the real-world fears and daily masculine way of pushing and doing more is making you feel disconnected, making you question if you can even connect to Spirit. Still, a part of you knows that when you feel connected to Spirit, magic flows and signs and synchronicities are everywhere.
Perhaps you are ready now to be in a circle with other women who speak your language, encourage you to shine your light brighter, and open more to making this Spirit connection a daily, even hourly, part of life.
It is such a wonderful feeling.
I call this Integration. Integration is an invaluable teaching on loving and accepting all parts of ourselves in order to stop fighting and start working with the parts we may not always (or ever) like. Integration is arguably one of the most important spiritual tools we have to fast track our connection to Spirit and feel flow in our daily lives.
Imagine you are a witch from a long time ago, gathering all the pieces and parts of yourself that have been hurt, or left behind. All of those parts that are hard to love. All of those emotions, behaviors and thoughts that you would rather throw into the fire. Imagine gathering all of them, alongside your spiritual Soul Tribe, and throwing them into a big pot over a beautiful fire. You stir and mix all of these parts, and they begin to dissolve into the hot soup you are creating. Nothing can be left out or the soup won’t be fulfilling. At last, the elements have transformed and the soup is ready. You feel the love from your sisters as you taste the most amazing soup, made to perfection by your own body, heart, and soul.
I invite all of you to explore and discover what happens when we integrate all parts of us.
(Here’s a hint: Love, trust, intuition, guidance, and flow come alive when you feel at home inside.)
Come into Centered to mingle with your own creations and the magic of what happens when we come together to support and love each other.
These are times like never before. Get some serious guidance for these intense energies and we can shift together.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.