The Power of YOU

It is a hot summer. It feels like the heat is beating down hotter than other summers. Or is it just me, in all my midlife glory?
I have even surprised my husband by turning on the fan every night and kicking off the covers, as I am usually a sock-wearing, heavy blanket kind of girl even in the heart of summer. Ok, so maybe I am a bit peri-menopausal. Ok, maybe I am A LOT peri-menopausal. And maybe it’s also Leo season, and I want to sleep more but also roar my truth and feel my fire.
Are you with me, Soul Tribe?
The world is changing and we are standing on the cusp of transformation and ascension like never before. The force of Leo is here, along with her fire. The call to dance in the flames of your authentic voice is potent.
The Leo energy is calling you to remember:
You are more than enough.
You are worthy.
You deserve to live in wealth; wealthy in love, money, time, relationships, and joy.
You are powerful.
And if I can offer any advice during this pivotal time, it would be, to make a shift. Make a daily shift to pattern interrupt the way you have always done things. Take one small step every day to stand inside of the light within you. The power is really within you!
The Lion’s Gate portal is a yearly event where a dynamic portal is created between the Earth and Sirus, the brightest star in the sky. This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centered, self-love, and empowerment energies. This year the Lion’s Gate portal starts on July 28h and reaches its peak on August 12th.
During this time, we receive light code activations that awaken us and align us with our potential. Light codes of ascension, soul mastery, and divine potential are released and sent toward planet Earth.
During this powerful portal of change and transformation, I invite you to the Healing Circle, Monday, August 1, 2022, at 6pm mtn time on zoom.
We will be recording the first half of our Healing Circle for the first time, so if you cannot make it live, there will be a recording for you!
What to Expect in our Circle:
Create a sacred space and rituals with other women while supporting each other on journeys into our hopes and dreams.
Experience this Lion’s Gate energy as a time of radiance, love and abundance, while exploring guided healing visualizations from the heart chakra
Discover and work with the goddess of radiance and love to bring more radiant love into your life.
Connect with your soul’s blueprint to remember who you truly are and clear the old, stagnant ways that are blocking your path
Clear old beliefs that stand in the way of you living in your light.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.