The Power of Women's Circles

Writer Jean Shinoda Bolen says, “When women come together and make a commitment to each other to be in a circle with a spiritual center, they are creating a vessel of healing and transformation for themselves, and a vehicle for change in their world”.
I love this quote because I have always loved holding space for circles of women that support and love one another. I remember when I was a child, I even loved holding space for animals! I was always searching for circles of people to connect to and share life with. Truthfully, one of the reasons I am a healer is to help women connect, communicate, and create relationships that are nourishing and nurturing.
Women’s circles are a powerful container that provides support, creativity, and sharing of ideas, and has the power to translate into something much larger and more palpable. There is a ripple effect that positively impacts society at large. And we need this today more than ever.
The best part of these circles is diving deep into our hearts and out of our heads. I love to witness women coming together, to connect to each other’s hearts and honor the divine feminine within them and others.
Often within our circles, I find that what we are all searching for, but may not know it, is the Sacred Center that is always calling us Home from wherever we feel scattered. This place inside of us is our light, untouched by wounds from this life and beyond; it is the place we often want to crawl into to be held and nurtured when the world feels so strange and chaotic.
This is a particularly interesting time to be alive and, as a woman, it is a time to remember how to gather yourself and join together with other women to know how supported and nourished you really are. This is a powerful connection that can heal and transform you, while also grounding and supporting you.
Perhaps you sense a new world coming, releasing from the cocoon we are in, metamorphosing into a beautiful butterfly. Yet, there are birth pains and there is unearthing to be done in order to stand in the new world that is emerging. This takes support, and a plan of action.
Centered is that plan of action. Together we will explore what it means to come home to your Sacred Center and actually live from this place. Imagine what your world would look and feel like if you felt connected to this deeper part of you daily.
Join us here https://arielahalevi.com/centered-details/
We will meet for 90 minutes, twice per month, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM MT
- Sept 12th and 26th
- October 10th and 17th
- Nov 14th and 28th
- Bonus: December 12th
Don’t wait! There is a limited number of seats in order to support you.
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.