The Magic of the Summer Solstice and Rituals to Nourish You

This is an important week. On the morning of the Summer Solstice, I started my day with sunrise yoga, sound bath, and affirmations to welcome in the Summer energy. In this blog, I will offer some suggestions that you can do to create small rituals around this beautiful energy.
The Summer Solstice, and the days both before and after, offer the energy of fire, abundance, opportunity, and more flow. We, as a collective, really need this time to feel more hopeful about our lives and the world we live in. This week is an opportunity to really tap into the portal and power of the Earth’s energy. Mother Earth is always guiding us to open to the new cycles in our lives through the seasons. Release the old, let them die, and create space for the new to come in.
In addition to the energy of abundance, this is also a potent time of deep nurturing. For those of us that have been feeling that the world feels hard, or you feel unguided, this energy is just for YOU!
As we celebrate the ascent of light this week, take a moment and feel the nourishment and warm embrace from the Divine Mother that we have needed for over two years. Take some time outdoors and feel the sun on your body, and see if you can feel this new phase of spiritual exploration and doors opening. We have earned this embrace!
Here are some tips to unlock the magic of the Summer Solstice:
Explore where in your life you want to expand and grow. Surrender here. Trust this wisdom that is helping you grow, and find patience in it.
Get outside and absorb the fire energy of the sun. I suggest laying down right into the grass, taking off your shoes, and just breathing there for a while
Connect to the part of you that is powerful and do two things daily that make you just a bit scared.
Practice breath work to explore your edges and where you are holding your fears. This is a powerful practice to allow all feelings to come up in a safe way.
Allow anything hidden to gently arise and be cleared, as the veils are thinned and we are more easily able to transcend the boundaries between worlds.
Write and burn: write ten things you will release this summer to make space for ten more sacred ideas to grow. Just like the power of the Sun, your inner fire is here to be honored and nourished.
You are so supported by us at Soul Centered, your inner guides, and Mother Earth. I hope you have a beautiful week and get outside and feel the power!

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