The Journey to Reclaim Your Power

Last week I participated in a beautiful outdoor ceremony, to reclaim my power. I consider myself someone that has done quite a bit of healing to reclaim my power from people, places, past lives, and my ancestral roots. I must say I was amazed at the layers of power I needed to reclaim to feel whole. Reclaiming my power has been a powerful lesson in remembering who I was as a young child and the ease and grace with which I lived in the world. For me, reclaiming my power is not loud and big. It’s actually just honoring the deepest parts of myself and who I came here to be.
Maybe this is your journey as well.
The most amazing thing about the healing journey is that it is cyclical and layered. Like peeling an onion, healing and reclaiming our power takes time, and mostly love for the human form we are in. We are always walking towards greater power and authenticity, releasing old beliefs that stand in the way of really feeling powerful and whole.
This is why I love following the cycle of the Earth to help me reclaim my power. Without the cycles of nature, seasons, life and patterns, I can get lost, and feel alone. But when I connect to the Root Chakra, which balances me, and keeps me rooted and secure, I can go on this most magnificent journey of power and surrender the past beliefs that have held me back.
This path of empowerment is equal parts removing negative influences, and old beliefs, while strengthening positive ones. We weed our personal garden, tend to the soil, carefully plant the seeds of what we wish to manifest, and then water and care for them.
The path to empowerment starts as individual, but needs community to help it grow and flourish.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.