The Divine Mother

On April 16, it will be the fourth year I celebrate my mom’s birthday without her physical presence here. Growing up, I loved to celebrate her birthday because the very next day is mine!
Growing up, April was always an incredible month of family birthdays and Passover. However, now that she is gone, the past three years during April has been incredibly difficult and I often spend her birthday crying on my couch.
But this year, I am turning 50, my son was 11 on April 7, my daughter is turning 17 this week, and we have a fun Passover celebration planned with my son and his friends from college. (Did I mention we went to Disneyland and it’s one of my happiest places on Earth?!)
And, this year, as I turn 50, I made the decision that my mom doesn’t want me crying on the couch. She wants me to live.
My mom’s message to me is that life is short, and I must live it to the fullest.
This is why my sister and I met in Las Vegas to celebrate my mom by dancing and singing our hearts out to Barry Manilow and Lionel Richie this past weekend. Mom would have been so proud and the signs we got from her led us to believe that she was incredibly happy watching us sing and dance.
Most importantly, the messages I have been receiving in my meditations and in healings with clients is that it is time to release the Mother Wound, and finally stand in our sovereignty and heal with the Divine Feminine.
Think about this question: How has your relationship with your mother shaped your relationship with the Divine Feminine and with the feminine within you? For many of us, our mothers may have taught and reflected in us unhealthy and unhealed perceptions of the feminine. Perhaps you grew up and witnessed body shaming, scarcity, overbearing or passive-aggressive messages, and martyrdom. Perhaps you were taught to keep quiet or ignore your needs for the sake of others. All of these are examples of the Mother Wound. Perhaps you grew up witnessing any of these behaviors from your mother, or a female caretaker in your life?
You. Can. Heal.
It’s time to stop blaming our mothers and our grandmothers for their own traumas and inability to heal. It’s time to take full responsibility for our own lives and our own destiny.
The Divine Feminine within longs to be heard, to be felt, to be seen. To heal your relationship with the feminine, heal your relationship with your mother’s lineage.
Even if it doesn’t seem like it, there is INCREDIBLE love, beauty, and wisdom in your feminine lineage, and you are so WORTHY of feeling it in every cell of your body.
The deepest empowerment is felt when we turn to our lineage and heal, free your own voice, forgive what was broken, and anchor into your TRUE mother: the Divine Mother.
I invite you to join me as spring has sprung and new life is being created. What roots will you decide to finally heal and who are you as the embodiment of the Divine Feminine?
Join me all month via social media, blogs, videos, and for my next Healing Circle to finally heal from the root and dance with the Divine Feminine within you!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.