Take Back Your Nervous System
I am writing because many of you have reached out to me expressing the feeling of being ungrounded and unsure about where life is taking you. I have also felt this lately.
It’s almost this in-between phase where we know we are headed somewhere, but we truly have no idea where we are going or how we are going to get there.
I have been leaning into my wise and well ancestors to glean wisdom and support during these times. In my journeys with them, they have been showing me that we are collectively trying to heal our nervous systems and unwind the survival mode we have been in for generations.
The results of this will be profound, and we must be patient as we navigate uncharted waters.
In this video, we will explore how to live your life’s purpose of love in order to unlock the gates of more beauty, more intimacy, deeper connection to Spirit, and resting in your wholeness.
With the help of our wise and well ancestors, we can learn to forgive them, forgive ourselves and open the gates of true love. This vibrational healing will carry us through our own lives in a completely different way than we have been living.
Ancestral healing is just one of the spiritual tools in my toolbox, but a profound one! Rooting down into the dirt of our ancestors has the power to transform our lives and truly change the world. Our ancestral connection frees us, and seven generations down our line, from the shackles that we have been living in.
It is time, in this age of transformation, to change with the times.
Coincidentally, when I was doing this video, I saw a flash of lightning, and then my whole computer shut down! Hence why I added my closing in a second video to the very end. Maybe Spirit was trying to tell me I was onto something, or maybe it was a nudge from my ancestors!
Enjoy the video, and don’t forget to join us for our monthly complimentary Healing Circle on Monday, May 1 at 7pm Mountain on zoom.
We will be exploring more tools in my spiritual toolbox to help us move through these intense times!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.