Surrender and Trust: What to Do When You're at a Loss
Recently, I’ve been focusing on allowing myself to surrender and trust. This morning, while sitting in my big, cozy meditation chair, I had a heart-to-heart with Spirit. I spoke to Spirit like I would to a close friend, expressing my frustration and desire for a deeper connection. I wanted to establish a more mature, loving relationship with Spirit, but was feeling like it was a one-sided effort.
Suddenly, it hit me like a flash of light: I was replicating my human relationships in my relationship with Spirit. I was putting in extra effort, pushing and overdoing it. I was being asked to receive rather than give, something that doesn’t come naturally to me.
Receiving is an art that requires patience, an open heart, deep breaths, and active listening. Sometimes Spirit gives to us in such mysterious ways that we miss the love and bliss of receiving.
In this video, I’ll share with you:
✨The two key ingredients required for receiving
✨How to deepen your relationship with Spirit
✨Strategies for walking with Spirit daily in a chaotic world
✨Why receiving is the missing ingredient for expanding love in your life
Wishing you a beautiful day,

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