Strawberry Full Moon

If you missed the Healing Circle this week, I wanted to share with you some gems and highlights that came from our Circle.
I am a huge lover of all things cyclical. I love the Jewish holiday seasons and the Kabbalistic energies that flow with each holiday. I adore the seasons (well, maybe except winter!) because each season has a certain ritual, smell, feel, and activity that goes along with it. Spring teaches us about rebirth. Summer shows us the beauty of fire, abundance, and light. Fall reminds us to let go in order to grow. Finally, winter teaches us to rest and heal in the darkness.
Life is Cyclical. The Moon has a cycle of 28 days and we experience this each month. The Moon teaches us that each phase is just as important as the next. Whether it is full or new, we can appreciate each phase in a different way. When I step outside during Full Moon I love witnessing how it lights up the sky and I feel like I can see so much more in the night. Whereas during the New Moon I love seeing all the stars that are able to shine bright when the moon is at its darkest.
This week we celebrate the Full Strawberry Supermoon. Even saying those words makes me feel excited and hopeful!
This Sagittarius Super Full Moon is vibrating with potent energy and is significant for your personal dreams. Making positive choices to honor our path and lead from our Sacred Center. We are really being asked by the energy of our times to listen to our own intuition and honor our deepest longings.

I like to take this Full Moon energy and take time to listen to my heart’s longings and deepest dreams. But in a world that feels loud, and often even fearful quite a bit lately, it’s never been more important to unwind the nervous system and really do a deep dive into our Sacred Center. That part of us that is untouched by loss, fear, and wounds. Leading from our Sacred Center is living life from joy, love, and peace. Feeling connected to the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine presence.
I have been so moved by this dance between our Sacred Center and our connection to the magic of Spirit. This connection helps me to remember that I am not just a body. A body pushing and forcing my way through life, exhausted and feeling depleted. When I remember this dance, I lead from my Sacred Center and experience the magic, the love, and the gifts this world has to offer.
One of the ways to remember your Sacred Center is to experience the portals of the Wisdom Wheel. Just like the cycles of life, the Wisdom (or Medicine) Wheel is a cyclical Native American tool. A tool for energy healing and transformations stirred by Mother Earth, and the Divine Feminine. Then mixed with your energy, to rediscover your Sacred Center. To awaken this center, the Wisdom Wheel provides us as women with a clear path of choosing our own destiny. Healing our old, outdated ways of being in the world, and feeling liberated from our genetic legacy.
In ancient times, Medicine Women would draw together to gather information from the quantum field, from the earth, and from Spirit herself to heal and live in the right way with their souls.
Today, I invite you to the Sacred Center Circle, an intimate gathering that occurs twice per month for ninety minutes each session. Together we will follow the Seven Directions of the ancient Wisdom Wheel as your guide to living the path of the Divine Feminine, deeply rooted in your Sacred Center.
Feel free to set up a call with me to talk about details!
Happy Strawberry Full Moon!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.