Stir Crazy? You’re not alone

For me, the image I picture when I imagine winter has always been Mother Earth, curled up inside the earth, surrounded by her animals and plants that have gone into hibernation. Within this hibernation, she is resting, and planting seeds. These seeds will grow when the season changes and bloom in their Divine timing.
Right now, perhaps like never before in our lifetime, we are (still) in a collective hibernation. We so badly want to be out there in the world, to throw open the windows and just be free!
Can’t you feel the collective feeling of being stir crazy?
Just the other day, as I walked through Whole Foods and Barnes and Noble, I cried in the aisles. Why? Because I was out, amongst books and delicious healthy foods. I smiled and cried because I felt so free for one moment! I relished in the contact of the people around me, I smelled the books and ate up all the knowledge I could get my hands on as I decided what to buy. I felt so alive with new knowledge and excited to cook a warm, winter meal for my family.
Yes, I feel cooped up.
Yes, I need to get out more.
But most of all, I am just so tired of feeling worried. Perhaps worry takes up too much space in your brain these days as well, and the act of sitting on a bookstore floor reminded me of my 20’s and early 30’s when I would sit and soak up the information in the books and take notes in my journal for hours on end.
This outing both upset and invigorated me.
I want to be out there in the world! I want what is not being offered at the moment. And I want to cry and scream and feel anger! But I also am growing seeds of potential. And to grow these seeds, I must nurture, water, and give nourishment to the seeds so they can flourish and shine brightly when they are ready.
Seeds are like prayers.
A seed is a potential energy. All energy needs a container, and prayer is that container. To grow the seed, one must go inside herself, create and focus her intent, and then release it into the living world through word, movement, ritual, or song. When we shift the power of our intent toward the manifestation of good things for the world and ourselves and then surrender ourselves to the flow of life without attachment to outcomes, it is not so rare to find that the Divine steps in to help in surprising and helpful ways.
In prayer, we align ourselves with the energy of Life, because at the deepest level, we are all one. The seed is how we begin, the tree is the result of that little seed. Prayer is the medicine that allows that seed to grow. Prayer from the heart sends potential energy to our person or desired outcome.
Just as trees are in service to life-giving fruit, shade, energy, and support, all from that little seed- the act of prayer is a service to all beings, nurturing positive energy, compassion, kindness, and relationships.
Join Ariela’s Monthly Healing Circle
On the first Monday of every month, I host a Complimentary Healing Circle.
My greatest hope is to help you remember you are a vehicle for Spirit, and to bring you back to that divine relationship, to renew your ability to connect to Spirit and your guides, to affirm what is positive, and to discover your abilities and sovereignty in this lifetime.
Let’s join together to make this happen. This is the time to build a strong, loving community based on the seed of love, Spirit, and awareness.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.