Spiritual Bypassing in the Age of Transformation

I admit it. I am obsessed with ascending. The message of today’s post-Covid world in the spiritual circles I follow tells me that we are headed into a New Earth. We are in an age of major transformation, and we need to build our spiritual, intuitive and healing muscles to prepare for the influx of light energy that is flowing to us. We are recommended to realign, to refocus and to regain our inner strength. We can do this by powering up our intuition. Our well-attended Healing Circle last week was an indication that a lot of us are ready to flex our intuitive muscles, connect deeper with our light and The Light.
What an exciting time! I love it!
And, sometimes I fall on my face.
I fall flat on my face, pull the covers up, and sleep. And here is why: tethering to Spirit, opening to our greater light and using our voices for real change can cause big earthquakes in our own lives, our bodies and even in our ancestral lineage.
In this age of transformation, sometimes (or maybe even often) we seem to forget one big thing: in order to change, we must first GROUND.
In order to be the Light, we must be grounded, rooted and anchored into the Earth.
We have chosen to be this body in this lifetime. We came here on this Earthly plane to live in the storage unit for our souls. What a hefty purpose our bodies have!
Yet many, many of us would rather ascend right out of our bodies than actually deal with the body we were given. But when we neglect, ignore, deny, and ascend right out of our bodies, we spiritual bypass in order to not deal with this connection. (And, sorry to say, to leave the body is called Death.)
Being in a body can often cause pain, disappointment, grief, illness and sadness. Our bodies hold the messages and experiences of our lives. Think of the body as a computer system holding all the DNA we have acquired from so long ago. It also holds the traumas, the wounds, the beliefs and the basic getting older stuff that can sometimes be, well, shitty.
For myself, I have held onto years of digestive and hormonal issues and other sensitivities that make me angry and often difficult to ground. I have held onto old beliefs, old wounds that have needed a lot of attention and healing.
Wouldn’t it be more fun to just ascend? Yes. But ascension is only possible if we are willing to tend to, love, and grow a body that is MORE than our beliefs, our wounds and our illnesses.
We must ground like a tree with serious roots that don’t falter in the rain, snow, wind or hail.
Only then can we begin to see the body as the sacred vessel that it truly is. The body holds energy, chakras, that show us the body is much more than a bag of bones and flesh, and much more than the DNA from our lineage.
Now is the time to ascend WITH the body, by honoring it, rooting like a tree, and remembering that our true DNA actually comes from our Soul Blueprint, the data that has the potential for true health, light and love to flow through it.
That is why sometimes I fall on my face. My body gets exhausted by this movement back and forth from 3D to 5D living. My body needs rest and self-care in micro moments. My body needs to be in nature and breathe in Mama Earth’s restorative love. My body needs to feel loved and seen and honored. She has been through so much.
Yours has too. Doesn’t she deserve some real love? Not the going-to-yoga kind of love, although that is a great step. The body needs nutrients from small, sacred moments in time. She needs us to infuse her with breath and connection daily, hourly, by the minute and even the second. She belongs rooted into the Earth like the big, beautiful tree she is.
Now that is ascension!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
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