Soulwork: Remembering our soul purpose

Remembering why we are here is a process I call Soulwork. Soulwork is the act of learning how to listen to the voice of our innermost selves again. All true guidance and wisdom can be found in the hidden chamber within our hearts.
But before we can listen to our Souls, we need to remove the obstacles in our paths. These obstacles often include old beliefs, stuck emotions, ancestral ties, and patterns of anxiety and fear that keep us stuck. It can block the pathway to Spirit and remembering our soul purpose.
Below are some suggestions as to how to return to your Soul and uncover your spiritual connection. This connection is essential to rely on during times of chaos and unknown.
1. Root Wound Healing
At the core of who we are is the sacred diamond that is often hidden under the root wounds of our childhood. Root wound healing is the courage to commit to releasing the toxic beliefs and ideas that we are not worthy of divine love. This belief shows up in a myriad of ways in our lives, but mostly, it blocks us from truly believing that we are worthy of the magic that is possible in our lifetime.
2. Self-love
For many of us, we have learned that we must put others first in order to be loved and accepted. Being Soul Centered means your soul must come first so that you can create a sacred container within your body and energy that is centered around authenticity and self-respect.
3. Create a Sacred Container
Learning to release the squishy boundaries and leaky energy is an essential part of uncovering your soul purpose. Your energy is a sacred space, but most of us allow other’s energy and often intrusive energy to enter our bodies and our energetic fields. These unclear boundaries create confusion, gaslighting by others, and drain our energy unnecessarily.
4. Soul Communication
As we uncover the need to live authentically, it becomes more important to spend time with our souls to get to know who we really are. Many of us don’t get in touch with that inner knowing for decades and often feel lost and disconnected from ourselves. Soul communication can begin with nature walks, music, reading books that interest you, creating a soul community, and so much more – including limiting or taking breaks from social media.
You have a reason for being here beyond all the who, what, where, when, and how’s, as important as they might be. You have a Soul Purpose, perhaps not yet fully realized, calling to you from deep within. It’s telling you it’s time to wake up, to stand up, and to rise up and respond. What are the whisperings of your soul that you want to bring to the light?
The Divine Origins Healing Circle is a powerful catalyst for growth.
When we connect as a group, we celebrate each other’s breakthroughs and aha moments — and support one another in becoming who we’re meant to be. In the Healing Circle, we’re here to support you through these unprecedented days. These deep levels of healing you’ll experience from within this empowering container will clear energy blocks, allow you to ground in your body — and expand your personal healing, spiritual expansion, and growth.
During the live calls, I’ll connect to the Spirit Guides and Angels to facilitate the powerful healing your system needs. These Spirit Guides and Angels always know exactly what you need and how to clear your energy at the root of the issues you’re facing.
We meet the first Monday of each Month at 6 PM MT, sign up for free access, and an invitation to our private Facebook group.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.