Sacred Surrender: How I Changed My Life and How You Can Too

I am a dreamer. And when I dream, I reach for the stars and I get super magical too! I love to create things out of nothing: new projects, new trips, new creative downloads from Spirit, lists in my journal about what I will manifest next.
Why do I dream? Firstly, I love to see my dreams come true. Secondly, I really believe that I am a co-creator with Spirit and when I see my magic come to fruition, then I get inspired to create more!
I am also impatient.
So these dreams can take me out of the present moment, and I can often miss the beautiful magic that is here for me.
Here’s the challenge.
I also often find myself either in the past reliving old things that need to stay in the past or old beliefs that keep me stuck in patterns that block my present moment. Similar to future thinking, the past keeps us anywhere but the present moment, and this is where the gifts are.
But for myself —and I am willing to bet you, dear reader— the present moment can make me antsy, anxious, maybe even a bit irritable.
Because, really, driving carpool, paying bills, making dinner, again… It can all be so mundane. Who wouldn’t rather dream about the trip to Israel?! But, what we miss in the present is the gift of feeling really grounded, the magic that transpires when we give our attention to one thing, and the inspiration that is possible even when washing the dishes.
Last week I had yet another animal issue. It was small in comparison to the death of my Max the cat. My dog needed stitches in his foot. For ten days, he has to walk for only about five minutes per walk, slowly, with a bag over his foot that’s super uncomfortable, and carefully so he doesn’t step in water. It means I need to really step up my mindfulness to get him through this.
So, I put my phone away, I stop listening to music, and I watch. I watch to make sure he is safe, his foot is dry, and that he isn’t going too fast or saying hi to any dogs. I watch to see if he will pee and poop, because he refuses while wearing this bandage and bag on his foot. (He is super stubborn and, yes, super spoiled.) But I watch. And I wait. And I let him know that he will be fine.
I stay fully present for him. And I stay fully present in my breath, as well as in my body.
And it is life changing.
The present moment opened my eyes to the sacred within the mundane. I discovered/felt deep gratitude for health, overwhelming joy to feel the weather change, beauty in saying hi to a fellow dog walker. These all open my heart chakra to receive more goodness. Energy grows where it flows.
To pay attention to one thing at a time forces us to stay in present moment awareness, EVEN when we may not like the present moment we are in! Every moment is an opportunity to glean the gifts and magic from Spirit that often we are not available to receive when we are busy, multitasking, and living in the present or the past.
Every moment we live in the present is an act of Surrender to awaken to our Sacred Center: the part of us that is deeply connected to Spirit.
Surrendering to the present moment can also mean facing those limiting, outdated beliefs that truly belong in the past. Old stories are just that: old. They are stories passed down by our history and our lineage that keep us running from our present self. The most beautiful present moments are attained when we surrender and release the old tapes that block us from living from our Sacred Center.
Here is a prayer I use often to help release those old stories:
Dear Spirit,
I pray and I ask for the belief……. (insert your old belief)
Be released from seven layers of my being,
From my body, cells, DNA,
From my lineage and my future generations,
May I be free of this belief that no longer serves me.
Aho (Amen)
In these times of earth-changing moments, my hope for all of us is to live, breathe, and love fully in the sacredness of the present moment, to live from our Sacred Center, that place inside of us that is whole, that is love, and that is connected. It is that simple. All we need to do is open our hearts and ask.

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