Root Down To Rise Up

October is a beautiful month here in sunny Colorado. I love the harvest festivals and cooler weather. If you go into the mountains, you can see the beautiful fall colors surrounded by majestic, snow-capped mountains. It’s as if Mother Earth knows exactly how to transition from one season to the next with such ease and grace, naturally, intuitively, and magically.
October is also the month of honoring our ancestors. In our Western culture, we don’t have days or months that specifically honor ancestors, and we often want to separate ourselves from them because we know or sense that our family trees are filled with trauma, death, war, faminine and…pandemic. I know that as generations-to-come look back at our generation of pandemic, I hope they can see the beautiful lessons, love, and healings along with our fear and anxiety.
As the fall weather descends, we also start to feel the turn into ourselves, the darker nights and introspection that the winter will bring. It is a perfect time to begin to explore the blessings and healings of our ancestors, to really bring to the light the awareness that in order to rise up, connect, and create magic in our lives, we also need to root down, to nourish and nurture our roots. This starts with connecting to the wisdom and support of our ancestors.
And, holy wow, are they ready to help.
Our ancestors still exist. Even though they have crossed over to the other side, they are so wise and ready to help us and support our lives here on Earth. I have learned from healing my own ancestors and the work I do with women that ancestors play a huge role in the success and happiness of our lives. All we need to do is ask them!
So often we feel hopeless, lost, unsure how we are going to heal certain ailments, emotions, or relationships. Unbeknownst to us is a wealth of wisdom that our ancestors are more than happy to share with us, to help us connect to our true DNA: our soul blueprint that knows health, love, and magic. Our ancestors are longing for us to remember who we are, because this also helps them remember that they are not their stories either.
The one thing that keeps us from rooting down to rise up is an often-skewed belief system that prevents us from truly feeling, knowing, and trusting that our ancestors are here and that we can powerfully heal with them. The best thing is that we don’t need to do a DNA test, know our family history, or even be blood related to intuit and know that we are healing with our ancestors.
The power is in ASKING.
Here are some steps to help you connect with your ancestors and rise up to the ultimate connection, which is between you and Spirit.
Put away your doubt. Decide —because it’s a choice— to step into full belief with this exercise.
What help will you ask for? Do you just want to know the ancestors are with you and need a sign? Do you need help with a specific ailment or relationship you think they would understand? Do you need clarity or vision?
Get into a quiet meditation and space. Go somewhere you can place any doubt aside and listen, then get quiet.
Clear your energy field. Imagine a golden light from Spirit clearing any energy that is not yours. Send it back to Spirit.
Start with a prayer. Prayers clear our space, set our intentions, and create sacredness and containers of healing and love.
Ask. Here is an example: Dear Spirit, I ask and I pray that you bring me the best and highest good for my life. Thank you for bringing me a loving ancestor to help me heal…
This is where your trust comes in: feel, see, know, hear, sense that you either are receiving a message and guidance, or wait and see what the day brings!
Once you receive help, thank them and return them to their peaceful place. Say a prayer of thanks to Spirit and your guides for being here with you and helping you.
Rooting down profoundly helps us rise up when we ask and take the steps to connect and heal.
My prayer is that we all settle into the energies of October and trust ourselves and our ancestors to help us create the life we are here to create: one that is rooted in love, connected to our Sacred Center, and full of magic.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.