Rising Above ✨ Transforming Fear into Empowered Growth

Dear Friends,
Sometimes when we are about to step into something powerful, much opposition comes up. We asked for healing, abundance, pure health, and love. And we can feel it as if our dreams are coming true. And suddenly we are pummeled backward into deep sabotage and old fears.
So let’s let that sh-t go together. Breathe. Connect. Let go of the words and the story. Feel your feelings but understand that you may be on the verge of something big and the fear is just a smaller part of you that is scared of change and growth.
I dreamt two nights ago that while the world felt like chaos, personal and global. Spirit lifted me up to a world where it all didn’t exist. I could breathe. I felt love and peace. I was in deep flow and trust. I was then invited to bring that peace down into the world of chaos and fear. And infuse it with trust, faith, and love. I woke up feeling like I was shown the world God created and how to peel back the layers to get to the core of love.
And help the world get to its core, which is love.
Our purpose in this lifetime is to tap into the supernatural, magical, peaceful place of the Quantum, God, and Spirit world and bring that love and light to this world.
How do we possibly do this? We do it through prayer, trust, faith, and by never forgetting that we are in a co-creative relationship with Spirit.
So when those old beliefs start to sabotage all the progress you have made, breathe. I know it can be scary to trust and have faith when sometimes we are in the middle of the unknown. Open your hands, speak aloud, and ask for guidance.
Spirit needs us. It’s up to us to make the change.
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...