LOVE: In Honor of Our Max the Cat

A Serbian proverb states, “Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.”
Beautiful quote; but, you might argue, most of us just want to survive one day at a time, too busy to stop and realize where we come from and how connected we all are.
The busyness of life overtook me these last few weeks. Pulled in so many different directions, without an end in sight. I wondered how and when I would come up for air. And I definitely didn’t have time to comprehend the idea that I am made of the earth and stars.
Until last week.
My beloved, beautiful cat was hit and killed by a car in front of my house. As we were about to move our son into his first apartment in college, the loss of our cat brought us to our knees and stopped us in our tracks. All the busyness vanished as death took a hold of the six of us, forced us to stop, remember what was important, and where we come from.
As we gathered together and buried him, we all expressed what is most important: LOVE.
We all in our own way expressed the greatest healer of all, the healer of broken hearts, the healer of loss, the healer of the body, the healer of all pain: LOVE.
All of the mundane, the stress, the doing of life fell away and continues to fall away as we try to go back into life, longing to hear our Max’s voice as we often did at 5 am every morning. Max was pure LOVE. Shy, quirky, possibly on the spectrum, Max didn’t have blocks or filters to his love. He knew who his people were and he loved us immensely. He curled up next to the kids during hard days, and literally spoke and communicated his needs to us all day long. He was a special guy, found in a trash can in Israel, until my son saved him to become our beacon of light and love.
It makes me remember a quote by Abhishek Kumar: “If you want to be loved, love. If you want to be understood, understand. If you want peace, make peace. If you want light, be a light. If you want to be seen, shine. If you want to be heard, listen. You only get what you give.”
When we remember that we are only LOVE, then we are whole and already complete. This is the path of the Divine Feminine rising. She is the presence we need to remember that we are LOVE even when we get caught up with the day-to-day and the doing of life. We are human, and the doing must get done. But let us not forget that we are one hundred percent LOVE.
As modern shamans tell us, if a person wants to be healed of the internal fight, the inner critic and dis-ease, to live a life of love, to be truly free and enlightened, then it is essential to strengthen the feminine life force within.
Dr. David Perlmutter, MD and Neurologist, beautifully links the divine feminine force of love to the connection inside of our very own mitochondria. Our mitochondria are inherited from our mother’s lineage. Hence, shaman Dr. Alberto Villoldo states that inside of all of us and every living creature is the divine feminine force that is responsible for ancient healing and the quiet force of mother nature herself.
I call this LOVE.
If you are feeling the call from deep inside of your very own mitochondria to finally live life off the hamster wheel, to change your vibration to resonate at LOVE, then join us for the Sacred Center Circle. We are building a beautiful soul tribe of women who long to live in LOVE more often than not. We are a group of women who want to remember our wild nature and be in community to support one another in changing the way the world is vibrating.
It is happening.
It takes 9000 people to start to vibrate at a level of LOVE.
Do you want to be a part of this change?
I know I do. But I can’t do it without you.
The loss of my cat has peeled back layers of pain, but also layers of LOVE. I am continuing my call to change the way women energetically vibrate, to shift our nervous systems to release extreme busyness, pushing through life, and competition.
I am being called to stop, drop, and LOVE.
How about you?
If personal healing is of serious interest to you –if you want to become an agent of change for yourself, those closest to you, and the world at large– then you might want to consider joining our Sacred Center Circle. We start September 12, 2022.
Sending you LOVE,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.