Let's Stop Fixing Ourselves

Chances are, if you are reading this, you are a spiritual woman. You have probably been on this path for awhile, and most likely, you have tried countless times to fix yourself. You are super self aware. You love feeling in the flow. But your spiritual openness still doesn’t change the way you feel day to day: connected one minute, and disconnected the next. Perhaps you feel triggered by others. Most likely you have strong beliefs and patterns inside yourself that just don’t match up to the spiritual woman you know you are.
This is so frustrating. And, I get it!
Perhaps addiction, loss, old beliefs, patterns of numbing out, and even body issues are really getting in the way of your spiritual path.
But, what if these patterns and old ways ARE the spiritual path? And perhaps we have been going about them all wrong.
I know I have.
For most of my life, I have created and inherited patterns of fixing my body. I learned this from ancestral lineage beliefs and patterns. I also discovered that when I was 13 and had a family upset, I could hate myself enough to push away the pain I was really feeling.
This created a block between myself and Spirit. I used this pattern of what I call now, self fixing, to push people and Spirit and my spiritual connection away. I could not face intimacy within my own body and definitely not with Spirit or with others.
So I self-fixed in the name of spirituality and health. I was a super fixer!
This obsession with fixing ourselves actually pushes away the one thing we long for: a deep, day to day connection and love with Spirit.
What I have found in working with countless women, and myself, is this: Self Fixing IS a form of Self Harming.
And it must stop. We are awake enough to stop this pattern to help ourselves, each other, and our children.
Self Fixing in the spiritual world simply means we hyper focus on the next issue at hand, while we actually miss out on the present moment, which contains Spirit. We don’t have to stand on our heads and do party tricks to feel connected. We just are connected when we remember this simple thing:
The Order of Connection:
Most of my life I had this wrong. I thought it was Body that came first, because it was what I could control, hyper focus on, and fix.
For you the fixing may be associated with the body, but it can also be anxiety, to-do lists, the stuff of the world, food, alcohol, busyness and so on. Most of us have been taught that what you see is the real stuff of life. And that is a lie.
What if you practiced rearranging the order of things and put Spirit first in all of life? What if the to-do list has Spirit on the top of the list? What if Spirit gets to be top priority then infusing Her into the body, into the soul, into the carpool pickups, and taking your dog to the vet? What does your world feel like when Spirit is first?
It means we stop trying to fix everything.
It means we pray more and act less until given the green light.
It means we trust a lot more and doubt a lot less.
It means we smell the roses, find the beauty and mystical in the mundane.
And most of all, it means we are not alone in this life that is chock full of things to fix.
We are Spiritually Embodied.
When we remember Spirit comes first, we can take a huge deep breath and hand it over to a force that is always here for us, always loving us, and always showing us the way, even when we feel lost.
Isn’t it time to stop Self Fixing?

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