Journey into the Divine Direction of Your Heart

These are magnificent times, transforming us into a higher consciousness like never seen before. They are glorious manifestations of the true Divine Direction of your heart.
Inflation is rising, you have PTSD from Covid, war is destroying the world, and it’s only getting more dark and destructive. Life is ending as we know it.
Which camp are you in?
Because it is time you take a stand. And that stand is decided by journeying into the Divine Direction of your heart.
Your heart does not lie. EVER.
Your heart is your sacred center: the place within you that is already whole, healed, true, love, and beautiful. Your heart is a place where you can shed everything others have told you. It is the place to stop looking to other people to tell you what to do and listen to your own body and inner wisdom. You can focus here on being who you are with authenticity. Living from this place can be tremendously freeing because you can finally release your wounds, societal views, and expectations, and enter into the direction of your heart.
But how do we journey into the Divine Direction of our hearts when every day there are opportunities to tune into what the world wants you to believe? With social media at our beck and call, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and jumpy, not knowing who you really are and what you believe in.
The journey into the Divine Direction of our heart takes some quiet, time in nature, breaks from social media, and often a purging of things, people, and places that don’t resonate with your heart. It also requires a deep dive into our bodies, hearts, and minds, to ask ourselves the difficult question: are you leading with your wounds?
Often our parents, teachers, and well-meaning role models instill beliefs in us that are not true. These voices become our own, and subconsciously, we lead a life with our hearts protected instead of feeling like anything is possible. These beliefs determine our ability to see the world in a positive light, even when reality may show something different. The truth is that if we continue to collectively see the world as dark and negative, then that is what the world will show us.
Right now IS a great time of higher consciousness, mass healing, and unbelievable light. This does not mean we are not being confronted with our dark shadow side in order to release it and bring it to the light. As we journey into the Divine Direction of our heart, we may see that the experiences and things we desire come from lack, and wounding that we experienced throughout life. For example, if I come from a divorced family and so strongly desire to have an intact, loving family, I must look at my own hurt and longings, and feel and express my childhood emotions that are still living inside of me. Why? Because I don’t want to lead with that wound. Perhaps you want to create a life full of riches because you were poor. The key to living a life of riches is to feel and heal that small person that felt poor, that didn’t have enough food perhaps, or given what you needed to function.
When we process the emotions that are stored in our bodies and cells, we clear the energy for our true manifestations and desires from our hearts to come through with huge energy. The more you are willing to clear the old wounds, the greater the abundance, energy, dream life, and love you live. Journeying to the Divine Direction of your heart means you are willing to face what hurts you, AND, once cleared, you authentically connect your heart of your being: that part of you that is never broken, always whole, loving, open, and free. This is where the magic begins!
Your life is meant to be extra-ordinary and full of magic and love.
But we don’t often look outside of ourselves and see role models living in that way. The journey is not an outward experience. The journey to a magical life begins by looking within. All the answers begin within.
Here are some steps to help you begin:
Connect to your body by slowing down, taking long deep breaths, and filling your lungs with air.
Ask each body part: what are you feeling? Do you feel grounded? What do you need?
Allow the body part to have a voice, and let it speak to you. Does this sound strange? Yes, but I promise you it works!
Tap into yourself and ask, is this a voice from my past self, the child within that is still needing attention, has feelings, and is not feeling heard? Give her a voice and let her speak.
Feel your emotions until you feel complete. I like to invite my clients to practice these steps twice a week to feel aligned and in touch with their bodies and emotions.
Now, connect to that heart space: your heart knows you as whole and light. What are her messages? What is she feeling and how can she assist the smaller you in moving forward.
What is her deepest longing and deepest truth?
Feel free to write this down so you don’t forget it because the heart often has messages of light and love and support. And repeat as often as necessary.
The journey into the Divine Direction of your heart is where all of your power, freedom and ability to create resides. A whole new portal of potential is available to you now if you choose to lead with your heart. In this center, there is a place that lives within you that is full of color, light, and where anything is possible.
Are you feeling ready to open that door?

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