I am Putting Me First, and Why You Should too

I have been kind of quiet lately.
The seeds I planted at the end of 2022 feel subtle and quiet as well.
I think that many of us jump start into the New Year with huge expectations and visions of what life will look like. For me, this year, I choose to slow down and hibernate and allow those seeds to germinate, grow, and figure out what type of plant they will be.
But to allow the seeds to be nourished and nurtured, we have to take a look at what beliefs and blocks are preventing us from truly resting and gathering strength for when spring finally arises.
I am choosing to explore grace, surrender and ways in which I have chosen fear and lack of trust. Truthfully, I have pushed myself more than I want to in life. I am a go-getter. So holding back for me isn’t in my nature. I can get shit done. I can ignore my body’s signs of exhaustion and push through for everyone around me.
But, I decided to stop traumatizing myself with fear and pushing.
I decided to start stepping into Spirit’s grace and flow. Even when I can’t get my work done. Even when I don’t show up 100% for everyone else. Even when I am scared it could all go away.
I want to help YOU bring back your energy, maintain high frequency and vibration, feel in the flow and heal from those old beliefs that are holding you back.
So I need to trust more, and open the doorway to my own beliefs that keep me running like a hamster on the wheel.
I am choosing a different truth…..
That I get to be nurtured and nourished, feeling filled up and showing up fully as I am in all areas of life.
That I am resourced: I am stepping into trust that the Universe really does have my back and I can feel supported and know that it’s not just me pushing my way through life.
That I can slow down, breathe, and consistently live in love, trust, joy, beauty and grace AND hold my whole beautiful life and be grateful for all of it.
That being a woman means living from a place of being enough, choosing love, trusting in the Divine Feminine, Mama Earth energy, and knowing that at any moment we can rest in her hammock she’s created for us inside the warm, nurturing earth.
This is all kind of raw for me, but I feel it is an important invitation for you too. What if we all slowed down together, and lived from a place of;
- Grace
- Surrender
- Trust
- Love
Wouldn’t that feel powerful? Potent? Playful? Life changing?
I know I cannot do this work alone. I know that we all need each other to live from our true nature. We all deserve to feel resourced and supported, and make the necessary adjustments in our lives to see the seeds grow in divine timing into a life that reflects our desires.
So, I won’t be jumping full force into 2023. Instead, I will be releasing 2022, letting my seeds sprout when they are ready. Use prayer, meditation, long walks, and good sleep to seep through the dirt when they are ready.
In the meantime, as I take long dog walks in the snow, I always pass by a license plate that says Phoenix Rising. This has brought me great joy, as I know that as we sit together, waiting for 2023 to seep in, we can rise from the old, using up the energy of our stories and our ancestors, and use our intuition, trust and guidance as our navigational tools.
Here is a prayer I have been saying everyday. I hope this lights you up!
Prayer for Partnership by Jose Luis Stevens, Phd.
Great Spirit, you have made me
With the skill and knowledge of a master artist.
And you made me to create.
I am a vessel for your inspiration.
Hands to build and shape.
My hands are your hands.
Eyes to witness.
My eyes are your eyes.
Hearts to listen with compassion.
My ears are your ears.
A voice to sing and communicate.
My voice is your voice.
I am your vehicle, your paintbrush.
I am the story told by you and back to you, forever.
Great Spirit, I am your partner and you are mine.
When you are with me, I am whole.
When you are working with me, I am healed.
Let us work together.
To increase kindness and compassion.
To increase generosity and gratitude.
To fill the world with beauty, hope and light.
And let us together join others in partnership in your name.
Until we have all remembered that we are ONE.

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.