Home Is Where The Heart Is

I am a lifelong explorer. I adore sinking into a good book, an amazing retreat, and the quiet of nature to let learning come from my higher self and Spirit. This past weekend, I dove head first into a work training that explored the true way to manifest and bring deep abundance to my life.
Unbeknownst to me, I found much more.
While I expected the training to show me unique ways to create abundance in my life and my work, I did not expect to dive deep into the beliefs and experiences that actually KEEP me from creating true abundance.
I found my Heart.
I opened to the deepest parts of myself, the parts that, being an empath, have always carried others’ energy. I dove head first into clearing out the pain, the tears, and the real boundaries that I have allowed to be crossed and that were crossed as I have lived life.
I found my Trust.
I discovered that all this time, I believed I lacked deep trust in myself, but in fact my faith and trust in Spirit and my soul runs deep like a river, and can be fully trusted and depended upon.
I found my Home.
I found that Home is where the heart is.
I discovered that the feeling of Home is felt whenever I tap into love for my body and my soul. It’s a feeling of deep belonging.
We all want to create abundance in our lives. There are a million books, people, and ideas that want to teach us about achieving abundance. But most of those ideas are focused on affirmations and raising your energy to a higher vibration. In fact, true abundance starts with creating a sanctuary inside of your own being.
That is the place called Home.
True abundance is found when we clear the unworthiness, the pain, the beliefs, ours and our lineage’s, that tell us a lie.
Abundance living doesn’t work when our positive affirmations cancel out negative underlying beliefs about ourselves.
We often believe that outer material abundance can give us happiness and joy. But from what I have discovered, feeling comfortable in my own skin and peace within myself, is the number one way to create more abundance and truly feel at Home within my being and body.
We want to clear the blocks that prevent us from being who our Soul knows us to truly be: light, love, magic, radiant, Source energy. When we open all the doors wide, and feel those feelings and beliefs that are holding us back, we can stand wide open in our own being, in our own internal joy, that flows naturally into outer abundance.
That is coming Home.
You can create an abundance sanctuary inside of yourself where all is possible. Keep asking, “Who am I in abundance?”
Light, radiant, free, Source, beautiful. Calm. Peace. Joy. Beautiful. Resilient. We are all together in abundance. The pause. Breath. Grace.
I am excited to offer a sneak peek into what I have been abundantly and magically sitting with for some time now:
I want to teach, guide, and explore with you about how to come Home to your body, soul, and Spirit, and connection with one another. I am behind the scenes working on an in-person Denver-based group and community that will invite women to gather in circles that feel like Home. We all need places that feel just like Home.
Stay tuned for more to come!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.