Healing and Finding Wholeness Within Ourselves
As a healer, I search for what is whole inside of all of us. I believe with all of my heart that you are already whole, never broken. As a healer, I work with the unseen world and help bring this light from the Divine into your daily, minute-to-minute world. I guide you to connect deeply to all that is present in your world so that you can feel at home in your body, your soul, and in this world that we are so gifted to live inside of.
I am also here to help you when the light feels dim when you struggle with knowing how to choose a path that is right for you, and discern Spirit’s voice when it all feels fuzzy.
Our world is going through a massive transformation and change can bring about fear and uncertainty. It can also bring about clarity and completely wash away in one moment, those things, people, and groups that no longer need to be on your path.
In this video, Baruch and I discuss and explore how to handle fears that may arise when making life-changing decisions and going through chaos. It is inevitable that at some point, we learn to face our fears, be honest with how we feel, and move through fear instead of putting our heads in the sand.
It is time to double down on self-care, and a large part of that is looking at our relationship with fear. Fear is not something to be afraid of, it is calling out for our attention.
My prayer is that we can move through our fears to clear the channels inside to connect deeper with Spirit, with our souls, and with each other.
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.