Find Your Soul Tribe

Soul Tribe. This is a powerful word for a powerful time.
It is a powerful time of change, and also chaos.
It is a powerful time to shine your light like a lighthouse. There is a divine metamorphosis happening, and it is crystal clear that the challenges we face are not here to take us down. They are to catalyze an awakening to our deeper nature and divine potential, here and now.
But we can no longer live life alone, and isolated. We need a Soul Tribe to shine our lights brighter, and bigger and stronger.
Do you know that it takes 9,000 people to make a shift in humanity? I want to be one of those 9,000 people to decide to transform my world and believe that Heaven on Earth is possible right here and now. Even within this confusion and chaos. Because what other choice do we have? We can succumb, give up and give in to the destruction.
Or, we can say no to the old beliefs, wounds, and ways of living, band together and decide to shift to make small changes in our daily lives. Changes that will affect our whole lives and those around us.
It’s time for a Soul Tribe.
How do we do this?
I’m so glad you asked.
I created a perfect way to band together to help you become one of the 9,000 people to tap into these incoming energies and potentials in a way that will genuinely help you to transform your life and get real support.
Centered is a women’s circle to help you reconnect to your Sacred Center: that light inside of you that shines and is untouched by your old beliefs and wounds
Centered is here to help you tap into these incoming energies and your potential in a way that will genuinely help you to transform your life and the world.
Steeped in ritual and guided by my channeling from the Divine Feminine and her Guides (alongside your own team of loving supporters). Centered is an intimate gathering that occurs twice per month for ninety minutes each session.
Together we will follow the Seven Directions of the ancient Medicine Wheel as your guide to living the path of the Divine Feminine, deeply rooted in your Sacred Center.
You know that there is a New Earth waiting to emerge.
You know that you are here to usher Her in.
The time is now.
Join us here https://arielahalevi.com/centered-details/
We will meet for 90 minutes, twice per month, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM MT
- Sept 12th and 26th
- October 10th and 17th
- Nov 14th and 28th
- Bonus: December 12th
Don’t wait! There is a limited number of seats in order to support you.
Sending Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.