Do You Really Feel Safe In Your Own Body?

This is a powerful and potent time to be alive.
More specifically, we all have deep medicine calling us to live more courageously, love strongly, and honor our power and our light like never before.
This potent medicine is the calling of the dance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
It’s a cry to honor ourselves and our voices and to teach the next generations to stand in their power. But often we get derailed by something outside of ourselves or our own inner traumas that cause us to scream, Why???
And, maybe, after some time, we can ask a deeper question, NOW WHAT?
Now, what do we do?
Perhaps the healing message, well, because I work in energy and healing, is, to start within, and work your way out. It can start with this question:
Do you really feel safe in your body?
Our world and generations before us have taught us some magnificent things. But one thing that continues to be passed down is the message that the nervous system is not safe.
Ask yourself, is your body a safe place to dwell? For those of you that say yes, that is amazing! For those that have had some sort of big or small trauma, chronic physical issues, or the world telling you how and what to do with your body, you may be feeling a little uneasy in the nervous system right about now.
The answer from a healing perspective is, to get safe in your own body, and then help others get safe too.
Be In Your Body.
Often we are in too much pain, fear, or just chronically disconnected from our bodies to really be IN the body.
What does that even mean?
You see, living in that fight or flight and survival mode, it’s more of a reaction mode. It scares your body and you just jump out. Life can also seem overwhelming, and so you just jump out, tune out and escape.
The outside world is too crazy and the inner world is too painful to deal with so what happens next? You shut down and just get by every single day.
Here is your wake-up call.
We cannot change the world running on fumes.
We must get back into our bodies, to become more safe, more loved, and more emotive. We can’t keep pushing, doing more, and being exhausted. That is masculine overdrive, and it must stop.
If you want to change the world, change your inner world. One breath at a time.
Feel your shit.
You’re shut down from your emotions. And they are stored in your body. The world is asking you, begging you, to just feel. If you find yourself on the floor with all the emotions, I promise you will get back up from the heap on the floor once you allow those feelings.
Come with me and let me guide you to what has helped me heal.
What I have seen countless times in myself and in my healing practice, is that the nervous system is on overdrive and we can’t address anything until we address your life. Really look at what is going on inside.
Most people avoid painful emotions/feelings with alcohol, food, TV, drugs, sex, and being afraid of being alone so they surround themselves with people all the time.
We are terrified of feeling, but it is the answer to almost every issue you have.
Emotions are just energy.
Yes, it’s true.
And when you sit with yourself and let yourself feel more, you can feel safe in your body.
To put your hand over your chest and tell yourself, “I’m here for you. I’m never going to leave you. I love you. Everything’s going to be okay.” That is life-changing.
Here’s what I know for sure.
The body doesn’t lie.
If you’re experiencing symptoms, your body is trying to tell you something.
Listen closer.
Listen closer.
Listen more.
Sit with yourself.
It’s uncomfortable.
It’s painful to do.
But it must be done.
Carve out time for yourself in silence and start to feel what’s going on- take your logical mind out of the equation and tap into your intuition and FEEL. Feeling is where you’re going to get your answer. Thinking is not where you’re going to get your answer. I know that for sure.
This probably sounds crazy to you. And trust me, I used to feel the same. But I want to feel much safer in my own dwelling space and for you to experience that. Listening to your body directs you to what is ailing you, where you are holding your emotions, and even gives you the answers you need. It is really magical.
But we must act NOW.
Now is the time to stop running and doing things the way you used to.
Now is the time to stop, drop and feel your body and emotions in order to heal the collective and stand in your rights as a woman. Go inside, listen and feel and ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do right now to feel safe in my body?”
Bruce Lipton, M.D. has proven that we have the ability to talk to our cells. Your body can hear all those terrible things you tell yourself all day long (such as: you’re stupid, you’re too fat, you’re not good enough, you’re not rich enough, you’re not worthy, etc.) and after decades of talking to ourselves like this, our body starts to get the message. All that negative energy is the opposite of positive, healing energy, which is what you need. Continue to press your hand into your chest and apply pressure- feel yourself as a little girl who is crying. What would you do to her? If a little girl you knew came home from school crying to you, what would you do? You’d take her in your arms and hug her and love her. Do that to yourself.
That little girl (or boy) inside of you is crying and she needs you. Big time. You can be the person she needs to heal.
You will soon see that you feel safer in your body, which means you can now help women feel safer in theirs. We are all connected. So let’s start acting like it.
You will soon discover that your body is not your enemy, and feeling safe is the most important thing you can do for yourself, her, and for our world.

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