Connecting body, heart, and Spirit!

One of the struggles I hear from my clients is the frustration to stay connected to their guides and Spirit. Even when connected, open and receptive to the guidance from above, after a day, an hour, or week, they begin to feel less of a connection. They wonder where their connection went, and want to get back that feeling of Divine conversation.
Do you long for a more consistent connection to your guides and Spirit?
Spirit didn’t go anywhere, so is it you?
If you want to know the true secret of a more consistent connection to Spirit and your guides, look no further than your emotions. It’s our emotions that get in the way. They cause us to feel what I call the Four Roots: anger, fear, doubt and guilt (and often shame and even grief).
What do you do when you have difficult emotions?
Get on your phone?
Watch Netflix?
Busy yourself?
Do you stay stuck in your emotions by connection to the STORY of why you feel the way you feel?
One of the essential ways to connect with your guides and Spirit everyday, is to allow yourself to feel all of your emotions fully, WITHOUT all the stories. This is also essential for your health and mental wellness.
The vast majority of people, especially women, skip the messy feelings and do other stuff. Women are masters at multitasking – working, cooking dinner, paying the bills and feeding the dog – all at the same time.
But the pushing and the busyness makes us masters at running from the ONE thing that can bring us more peace, joy, and connection: feeling your feelings completely.
Running from your feelings breaks the connection between you and Spirit, and puts a huge roadblock between you and your body. As we age, this turns into a messy, or sometimes scary road of hormonal issues, physical symptoms and even rage towards an aging body that just wants to be heard and loved.
In addition to feeling disconnected to the body, when we don’t feel our feelings fully, we end up giving our feelings a story. Taking the story out of our feelings means taking a time out to let your feelings take center stage and sit with each part of the body that is having those feelings. It is like allowing a child to talk about her awful day, and just being there while she has her tantrum. Let yourself be there for you.
Yes, the connection to Spirit is essential.
But your connection to YOU is life-altering.
It’s like turning the lights on. The body stops screaming, the heart can stop racing, and you feel like YOU again, without the story, and with full connection.
Remember, your feelings are incredibly important, but the story you give the feelings will lead you into a bottomless pit of dread, fury, and victimhood. A never ending cycle of blame and shoulds.
When you notice you are giving your feelings a story rather than allowing them to live on their own, practice what I call:
Stop: Stop what you are doing, and breathe.
Drop: Drop into your body and ask yourself, where am I feeling this intense feeling? What would this part of my body say or feel if it had words?
Feel: Give yourself full permission to feel. Even when you want to run, stop and allow them to arise.
Friends, this is something I have been doing with myself for years, because it is life changing. I no longer have to wonder why I feel disconnected and frustrated when I don’t feel that Spirit or my guides are close. I just need to tend to my body and emotions. I reconnect to feel peace and joy once again.
Are you ready for a deeper connection between body, heart, and Spirit? Look no further than your own emotions.

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