Balancing Your Life is Bullsh!t

If there is one thing almost all of my clients struggle with, it is feeling out of balance. This imbalance plays out in different ways, depending on age, stage of life, the degree of feeling disconnected from Spirit, and life traumas and transitions.
But one thing is always revealed: underneath the imbalance is a deep desire to connect. This connection may be with Spirit, community, soul sisters, family, and more. As women, our relationships are extremely important.
Yet often we are pulled in so many directions, we lose balance and feel disconnected. Those pulls may be external or the voice inside that doesn’t allow us to rest, causes our nervous system to constantly be in fight or flight. It may also be that we are out of balance because too little is happening in our lives.
Regardless, whatever stage we find ourselves in, disconnection is almost always at the root of the imbalance.
For a long time, my healings with women clients focused on helping them find the balance they longed for. Work-life balance. Emotional balance. Self-care balance. Balancing personal needs with everyone else’s needs. Balancing leadership and motherhood. Trying to balance it all! This internal/external balance is exhausting.
The guidance I received was, “Stop trying to help yourself and others find balance. It isn’t going to happen. Being a woman means that you hold a lot and things are always going to be out of balance. We are not meant to be Superwomen. What you are seeking is Connection.”
When we feel isolated and lonely, we need connection.
When we feel pulled in too many directions, we need connection.
When we feel like life is too much, we need connection.
Because let’s face it: most of our responsibilities won’t change.
What we can do is connect.
We need to connect to our inner selves.
We need to connect to Spirit.
We need to connect to our bodies.
We need to connect to our truth and desires.
We are out of balance because we are disconnected from our higher selves. We are out of balance because we need better boundaries for connection, relationships, and community.
We need to connect to self-care.
Truthfully, we often feel disconnected or out of balance because we are not honoring our truest selves, not living a life that reflects our authenticity and our dreams.
When we start to listen deeper, when we honor our boundaries and our truth, we can then make changes, even small ones, that bring more peace, flow, and connection.
I recently decided to make a few small changes in my business. These are changes that no one on the outside would even notice. But they were demands from my higher self that I needed to listen to. I now feel more peace and connection in my healing practice, which then allows me to be more present for my groups and clients.
So I ask you: What small shifts can you make in your daily life to feel more connected to yourself and to Spirit? What is causing your imbalance and what can you do to feel more in alignment with your truth?
What do you want to connect to to enhance your connection to your higher self? Nature? Love? Better boundaries?
In our Sacred Center Circle, beginning September 12, we will dive into how to connect more and release what no longer flows in your life. Are you ready? Doors close soon! Sign up today!

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.