An Energy Clearing and Alignment for You
I am a transformer. And you are too.
A transformer is a soul that came to this Earth during this collective awakening, to say no to old ancestral stories and wounds.
We are the wayshowers that literally take one for the team in order to heal future generations. I say no to unworthiness, apathy, passive aggressiveness, and fear.
What do you say no to?
Right now in our 3D world, there are a lot of people making a lot of changes. It can feel overwhelming and ungrounded. There are a lot of us saying no to old stories and moving in a more light filled consciousness and root in power.
In this video, I offer for the first time, a channeling from a wise and well team of elder ancestors that I work with on a daily basis in my private and group healings. Their message was to shine from the inside out, and stop looking outside ourselves for things that will help us remember how whole we truly are.
The number one thing that was offered to us was this idea of healing the family constellation. When we turn to our roots, and truly see our stories as imperative to our souls to live its bright truth, the lights turn on and healing can finally occur.
Loving the self is the balm for all ailments, physically and emotionally. We are here to love ourselves as Spirit does so beautifully.
Our elder ancestors are here and have a vested interest in us remembering our wholeness and our home inside of ourselves.
I hope you love this healing as it comes from my heart to yours. But it truly comes from Spirit and the wise ancestors. I am grateful for you. I wish you a beautiful journey as you face your story and release it to the Light to be transformed into beauty.
With Love,

and our vision. We gather In-person twice monthly
for three months. And if you are called to join us...
Come to Circle!
There’s no cost to join and I look forward to hosting you.