Alchemizing Magic in our lives

Last weekend, Baruch and I went away for a pre-anniversary vacation in the Colorado mountains. Alone! For the first time, we went dispersed camping in our RV. While we weren’t sleeping in sleeping bags directly on the earth, we were comfortably uncomfortable, sleeping in the unknown, in the wind, and the elements.
Spending time in nature, releasing our comforts and our daily grind, allows us to discover the joys and fears that often live under the surface of our bodies as we go through our day-to-day life.
As I ran up intense hills, winded from the intense wind and altitude, I let go and surrendered to all that holds me back and opened to all the potential growth coming my way. It was palpable.
This releasing and surrendering to allow for more growth and alchemizing magic in our lives is perfectly in line with the season of Beltane and the Kabbalistic awakenings we are in the midst of between the Jewish holidays of Passover and Shavuot, called, “Counting the Omer”.
Beltane is the celebration of the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It falls exactly opposite Samhain (or Halloween) on the Wheel of The Year. During Beltane, we celebrate life, light, joy, passion, and sensuality, all of which are the most powerful and fertile times of the year and extremely energetically potent for the earth, people, and animals. We connect with the blissful promise of Spring while embracing the future by igniting the life force energy that exists within us all. This is the time to reconnect with your primal and instinctual inner self, by owning your power.
How can we begin to embrace and harness this energy?
In the Jewish tradition, counting the omer is a potent time, as each of these forty-nine days embodies a unique combination of divine attributes, The kabbalists used an emotional ladder of the sefirot – aspects of our soul and God’s soul – to illuminate each day.
o dance between the energy of Beltane and Counting the Omer, we can learn from the years of wandering in the desert and from the individual struggles represented in the stories of our heroes and heroines that spending time in nature is a sacred activity, an opportunity for reflection and trust. Every day is an opportunity to count our blessings, awakening to the gifts that are on the other side of fears and struggles that sometimes cling to us.
By activating our bodies, in nature, and even in the comfort of our own home, we can connect to the deeper chakras or sefirot that hold deep messages of pain that want to be released, and also new beginnings, joys, growth, and potential.
May is fertile with potent ideas, future projects, and new beginnings. I invite you to spend time outdoors, sitting quietly, with a journal. As you breathe, become aware of any messages, feelings, or strong suggestions for your future. There is strong energy asking to come through.
What are the ways you naturally connect to your potential and your seeds of light? Share your ideas and let’s connect!

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for three months. And if you are called to join us...
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